
Using a Wiki

Before taking this class, i didn't know much about wiki's. Aside from Wikipedia, which i truly appreciated for it's easy access to any form of information being searched i never really gave any thought to the use of a wiki. However, after reading many articles and completing case write up's detailing the benefits of using a wiki at the workplace, i grew fond of them. It seemed as though whenever they were implemented they seemed to simplify and allow for easier communication among coworkers. In light of all this, my teammates in group 4 team4tech and i decided that we'd utilize a wiki to communicate and share information about our project. I'll follow up on this post at the end of the semester to let you all know how that worked out.


KM in the workplace


Today had to be one of the longest days I've ever endured. I worked for elections Canada at a polling station in my area of the city as i collected voters ballots and tallied the votes. I arrived at 8:30 am to set up, and finished working at around 11:00 pm, it was a very long day for me. Throughout the day i noticed that their was a complete lack of structure internally when communicating among peers. I found that the poll station organizers never properly explained procedures and guidelines for the day, and the volunteers and workers were left with a lot of on the job training. Only problem is, that this job only lasts one day and it's to determine the leadership of our country; an issue many people consider of the utmost importance. Transferring knowledge and information from polling supervisor to poll clerk and dro never really occurred. Although i was well prepared for my job, i found my co-worker to be extremely lost and unaware of the procedures she needed to take, to successfully complete her job. The most knowledgeable people on the job couldn't really help my colleague. I really believe the voting tallying process needs to become more digitalized, as i find the whole process puzzled many of the employees at the polling stations. The effective sharing and transfer of knowledge is vital for effective business procedures and i just really felt that the election process really suffered from a lack of effective knowledge transfer. I really think the organizers should really focus on better educating employees in the future and making sure they fully understand their tasks for future elections.



Hello everyone,

Today I'd like to discuss the popularity and importance of blogs in today's world. Almost everyone now a days has his or her own blog. Even I now have my own blog as a requirement for INSY 444. To be honest though, i am not a big fan of blogging nor do i go out of my way to read celebrity blogs. Almost all celebrities operate a blog as well as many friends of mine, however the question i always ask is; does anyone really read them? I mean i don't really think 100 people are gonna come read mine, nor do i believe others expect 100 people to read theirs. Reading celebrity blogs is not a hobby of mine, but i know that some star craving fans would read just about anything their famous friends would post. I just don't see the appeal, if i'm not intrigued by what multi-millionaires post on blogs, i'd be hard pressed to read and comment on other classmates blogs. I've really never been a fan of blogs, but i'd like to hear some comments about why others truly enjoy blogging? Let me know.


Microsoft Cont'd

Here is a interesting article about the war between Microsoft and Google. Enjoy!