

I just wanted to follow up on my groups presentation on videoconferencing. Even while doing research into this topic and learning more about how useful these systems are, it still amazes me to see so many resistant parties. Many companies are hesitant to use this technology, in fear that it's essentially just a stop gap till another more advanced technology comes along. Right now no technology is better suited for transferring knowledge and information of the highest importance than videoconferencing. Granted the costs are high, with full implementation costing around $ 300, 000, however systems like these bring so many added benefits over email and using the phone. For one, it has a high level of collaborative capabilities and ability to transfer knowledge. Furthermore, it allows for real time communication and allows for the richest form of communication, thanks to the ability to display non-verbal communication like body language. Granted the system is pricey, and it may seem a bit complex to some, although i assure you it's not, I'm still puzzled as to why more people haven't implemented videoconferencing?

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